Monday, July 3, 2017

Giveaway: Girl on a Plane by Miriam Moss

As promised, here's the second giveaway of an ARC found while straightening my home office. Enter below, and good luck!

More giveaway goodies to come, so stay tuned!


  1. My students will love this book!

  2. I'm drawn to realistic fiction, especially when it feels as if I am reading someone's own personal account of what happened.

  3. I'm more of an escapist. I have friends who love movies like "Captain Phillips" and I'm looking around asking, "Who wants to go see Guardians of the Galaxy?"

  4. Realistic fiction is an anecdote to all the dystopian books that were so popular. It is definitely my preferred genre.

  5. Wow! An historical fiction title based upon a real plane hijacking. Sounds like a good addition to my collection.
