Michael Phillip Cash Talks About Monsterland and a Cameo as a Zombie
People have probably been asking you this quite often lately, since the “Goosebumps” movie has been so popular with kids this fall, and especially since you are a screenwriter—do you have any plans to turn Monsterland into a film adaptation?
Absolutely! Getting a movie made is my goal…that is my end game. I’ve already pitched
Monsterland to a studio and they are interested in the script, which I’m currently polishing. There is another production company who is also very interested in producing
Monsterland. The only thing I’m asking for is a cameo as a zombie.
The “vitality challenged” have overrun the world and regular humans have withdrawn into fortified enclaves in most zombie stories. But in Monsterland the infected are safely contained in detention camps. Why did you decide to set up the situation in that way?
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but how many times can we read or watch the same zombie story over and over again. Every zombie book/movie has zombies running rampant in the streets. I wanted to shake things up a bit. I asked myself, would the government really let the zombies take over the world? No way! The US government in Monsterland built camps and wrangled them in there. It would have been the same story as every other zombie story if I left them in modern society. The government had a plan and it succeeded.
Were there other monsters that you considered including in the park, but then decided to leave out? If you did, what were they and why did you exclude them as you went forward with the story?
Yes, there was. I wanted to include a haunted house and have ghosts be the main attraction. But I must say, it was very, very hard to toggle between the three main monsters – werewolves, vampires and zombies. Adding a fourth monster, say ghosts, with a fourth teen whose story is intertwined was just too difficult. I’m going to try it for the sequel though. J
Wyatt, Josh, Melvin, and Howard share an interest in monsters, although they disagree on which would win in a face off. Did you have friends with whom you debated the merits of various creatures when you were a teen?
Not necessarily monsters, but I’ve debated, and still do, other types of things worth debating. Best movie of the 80s. Best video game on the original Nintendo console. Best TV show. Best book of the 90s, etc.…I must say that having those three argue about which monster reigns supreme was a hoot to write. I loved the witty banter because I’m familiar with it.
The only parents we see in the story are those of Wyatt and Josh, although Melvin’s mother is mentioned. Was that a deliberate choice, or something that happened organically as the story evolved?
Yes, it was deliberate. I loved writing the characters of Wyatt, Melvin and Howard, and I certainly could have added more depth with their parents, but I really wanted the central story to be about these three boys overcoming their insecurities. I feel it would have taken away from them as the focus if I had included parents in the mix. This was about teens surviving a scary theme park and growing up to become men.
There have been several series of books recently that are a multi-platform experience combining the book and online components where readers can watch video clips, hunt for clues, etc. Have you considered expanding Monsterland to include other media with which readers can interact?
It’s an incredible idea, but I leave all the publicity and online components to my fabulous team. My mom handles all the publicity with my publicist Brittany Bass. Ann Gerber oversees all the Facebook and Twitter stuff. If these ladies in my life feel this is where we should go with
Monsterland, then so be it. I listen to them…they’re my bosses. I just create and write the stories.
Do you have any projects you are currently working on that you can give us a few hints about and pique our curiosity?
I just finished writing the 9
th Star Wars movie and the Yoda spinoff. I have a meeting with JJ Abrams this afternoon. Other than that, it’s been kinda quiet. You know I’m only joking, although that is my dream to write a Star Wars movie. All kidding aside, I finished this creepy novella called “The History Major” that is currently being edited. I don’t want to reveal too much, but I will say it’s a bit of a departure from my previous works. I’m in the middle of beating out a wizard story called “Warlocked”. Two wizards from different factions and different time periods are fighting for the same guy … the chosen one. I have a few sequels in the works too.
Witches Protection Program II and
Monsterland II are being beat out as well. Finally, I have met with a production company who is currently setting budgets for one of my earlier novels to be made into a feature film. I’m hoping this dream comes true!
About the Book
Written by Michael Phillip Cash Welcome to Monsterland – the scariest place on Earth. All guests can interact with real vampires in Vampire Village, be chased by an actual werewolf on the River Run, and walk among the dead in Zombieville. Wyatt Baldwin, a high school student and life-long movie buff is staring bleakly at a future of flipping burgers. Due to a fortuitous circumstance, Wyatt and his friends are invited to the star-studded opening of Monsterland. In a theme park full of real vampires, werewolves and zombies, what could possibly go wrong?
“Monsterland contains solid ingredients for a horror feast: stupid teens, smart teens, a little challenged romance, family dynamics, action, blood and gore. Will civilization ever be normal again? You’ll have to read it to find out. We dare you!”—The Children’s Book Review
Ages 14+ | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2015 | 978-1517180676
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About Michael Phillip Cash

Michael Phillip Cash is an award-winning screenwriter and novelist. He’s written eleven books including the best-selling Brood X, Stillwell, The Flip, The After House, The Hanging Tree, Witches Protection Program, Pokergeist, and Battle for Darracia series. Michael resides on the North Shore of Long Island. He writes full-time with his screaming monsters in the background.
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Monsterland Tour Giveaway
Would you rather be a werewolf, a zombie or a vampire? Enter to win an autographed copy of Monsterland, by Michael Phillip Cash; plus a living dead themed travel mug and a $50 Amazon gift card!
Giveaway begins November 14, 2015, at 12:01 A.M. PST and ends December 16, 2015, at 11:59 P.M. PST. US addresses only.
Monsterland Tour Dates
Thursday November 12 2015
The Children’s Book Review
Tour Kick-Off & Giveaway
Tuesday November 17 2015
The Review Wire
Book Excerpt from
Tuesday November 24 2015
Guest Post written by Michael Phillip Cash
Tuesday November 17 2015
Suz Reviews
Author Interview with Michael Phillip Cash
Sunday November 29 2015
The Cover Contessa
Guest Post written by Michael Phillip Cash
Tuesday December 1 2015
DCC Mealy
Author Interview with Michael Phillip Cash
Wednesday December 2 2015
Once Upon a Twilight
Book Excerpt from
Saturday December 5 2015
The Fairview Review
Monsterland Book Review
Tuesday December 8 2015
Just Another Mom
Monsterland Book Review
Monday December 14 2015
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Monsterland Book Review
Tuesday December 15 2015
Inspired by Savannah
Author Interview with Michael Phillip Cash
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