Inspector Purbright is hard at work again as a rash of odd assaults plague Flaxborough. Women of all ages and descriptions are being grabbed, peeped at through windows, and even having their undergarments stolen off the clothesline! And every time the suspect runs off in a strange sideways scuttle like a crab. But can there be more than one culprit? And what is causing the behavior? After a suspect accidentally drowns while pursuing a woman, the autopsy reveals some abnormalities. The inquest also finds that the man had been taking medication prescribed by his doctor as well as herbal remedies he obtained by mail order. Could any of those have caused the strange attacks?
The number of reported assaults mount, patrols are stepped up, vigilante groups begin to form, and still there are no answers. Purbright and his faithful constables follow up on leads concerning the medication and herbal remedies, learning that the herbs come from a nearby farm that has recently changed hands. The deceased suspect's doctor is known to participate in drug trials, but maintains that he has never prescribed anything dangerous. When will it all end?
Those familiar with Flaxborough from previous installments in the series will recognize Purbright and other recurring characters, including Miss Lucy Teatime. Set in an English village in the mid-twentieth century, the novels all deal with crimes investigated by Purbright and the rest of the Flaxborough constabulary in a methodical and respectful way. There are no computers or rogue agents picking locks to find evidence, just a patient gathering of facts and fitting them together.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.
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