Mr. Piercy has chosen to look back over the first 40 years of his adulthood and put together some advice from the lessons he has learned so far. As he puts it in his introduction, "What I'm trying to do is give you simple, easy-to-understand principles that will give you a good foundation." He begins with a discussion of finances and covers basics such as income, student loans, mortgages, and credit cards. Examples are given and explained of the outcomes different people will achieve depending on their different approach to money. The examples he gives are very common situations such as the difference between using high APR credit cards or paying and charges in full each month, or the difference between buying a new car frequently, or choosing to purchase a reliable used car instead.
The book doesn't simply talk about finances. but also tackles philosophy, health, and attitude. As you may have heard, "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got!" Although this book would make a good graduation gift, it would also be helpful for someone who has already been out in the working world for a while and is trying to make some positive changes to their life. Perhaps they never seem to rise above living paycheck to paycheck, and would like tips on how to break out of that cycle and start saving and investing. (And that's just one example.)
There are motivational or thought-provoking quotes scattered throughout the book. The author also shares the story of a major turning point in his own life and how it caused him to change his mindset. A list of favorite quotes on gratitude is included at the end of the book, and there is also a recommended reading list for those who want to explore more of the sources that inspired Mr. Piercy.
If you enjoy down-to-earth advice, try Piercy's tips for yourself. If you know someone who is about to leave school and move to the next stage of their life, then this could be a quick guide book to help them start off on the right foot. And another plus is that it is a quick read, so it will not take long to look at all the advice and begin to implement it.
I received a copy from the author for review purposes.
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