At the beginning of the year, many of us leaf through the self-help books, motivational guides, and Bible studies to start the next 12-months off in a positive way. For those who prefer a combination of these styles, there are books such asMeet the New You. In its pages, Elisa Pulliam takes her readers through a 21-day examination of their lives. Each day, readers look at their lives in various ways like making a list of everything that fills their time, or drawing out a life map of all their areas of relationship and responsibility. There are also websites suggested for tools to discover personality types and learning styles or uncover spiritual gifts.
Although there are probably many books that also suggest personality and learning style inventories, this one relates everything to Bible verses and biblical principles. The author gives brief examples from her own life, but never goes into overly personal details. She also uses quotes from other writers such as Beth Moore, Anne Ortlund, or Dave Ramsey, sharing ideas that she has learned during her own journeys of self-discovery. The length of her book fits well with the accepted wisdom that it takes at least 3 weeks to create a new habit. She also encourages you to stop and reassess your progress periodically to see if you have met your short term goals, are still on the road to your long term goals, or have been through any big changes that might cause a change in those goals.
For those who are looking for a thoughtful and detailed look at their life, this book breaks the process down into steps that can be taken day by day. There is plenty of space to record your thoughts (although the author also recommends keeping a journal to continue reflecting on the journey). Altogether it is a helpful and supportive manual for taking the time to examine your life, the ways you spend your time, and what you want to accomplish.